Juventud Infinita (Endless Youth) is part of the exhibition under the same name, an installation that celebrates the impulses of youth made out industrial fans and confetti flying around a white space. At the exhibition opening, a leave blower was handed to the audience in order to (re)create their own installation and artwork through air, while Grosgoroth played songs inside the turbulence with its gameboy orchestra.
Juventud Infinita (Endless Youth) is part of the exhibition under the same name, an installation that celebrates the impulses of youth made out industrial fans and confetti flying around a white space. At the exhibition opening, a leave blower was handed to the audience in order to (re)create their own installation and artwork through air, while Grosgoroth played songs inside the turbulence with its gameboy orchestra.
Juventud Infinita forma parte del proyecto del mismo nombre, una instalación que celebra los impulsos de juventud a partir de ventiladores industriales y confetti volando alrededor de un espacio inmaculado. En la inauguración, un soplador de hojas se entregó al público para (re)crear su propia instalación con aire, mientras Grosgoroth tocaba dentro de la turbulencia su orquesta de gameboys.

The project Endless Youth is mainly born under the idea of network behaviours and online impulses, -although transferred into a more physical and ‘analogical’ realm- within the framework of youth, so the materials employed are directly linked to this period of life in a permanent state of construction (wood), disobedience (spray) and celebration (confetti).
Each one of the productions was conceived as a living and alterable element, and constructed with the collective participation of people recruited online, working directly with their own hands, or by providing content. The project in room was intervened by five artists who were modifying their previous contents, creating at the end of the exhibition period a set of collective authorship and mutable works.
This was very similar to the feeling of a house without parents, a free falling celebration of an endless youth ...
This was very similar to the feeling of a house without parents, a free falling celebration of an endless youth ...
La intervención de Juventud Infinita nace principalmente de la idea de los comportamientos en red e impulsos on-line, -aunque llevados a un terreno más físico y “analógico”- y dentro de un marco de juventud, por lo que los materiales empleados están directamente relacionados con este periodo de vida en permanente estado de construcción (madera), desobediencia (spray) y celebración (confetti).
Cada una de las intervenciones han sido pensadas como elementos vivos y alterables, y se han construido con participación colectiva reclutada en red, trabajando bien directamente con sus propias manos, bien aportando contenidos. En algunos casos se ha pensado en obra que pide a gritos su modificación posterior y dado el orden de intervención se ha planeado más hacia delante que hacia atrás. El proyecto en sala fue intervenido por cinco artistas que iban modificando sus contenidos previos, creando al final del proyecto un conjunto de obras colectivas y mutables.
Esto era muy similar a la sensación de una casa sin padres, una celebración en caída libre de una juventud infinita ...